Specific Issue Order
When both parties cannot agree on an important decision, an application for a Specific Issue Order (SIO) can be made. This is a type of court order that can settle disputes relating to a child's upbringing. The person awarded the order can make decisions about the child without first seeking permission from the other parent/guardian.
An example of what an SIO may focus on is the child's education. For instance, if you are unable to agree on where a child should continue their education. A Specific Issue Order resolves this by granting the SIO holder authority in all matters relating to their schooling.
Applying for a child arrangement order
Before an application is made to the court, some form of negotiation is advised with the intention that an agreement can be made before taking the matter to court, indeed the court would usually insist on ADR (Advanced Dispute Resolution) before it was put to them. However, where a circumstance is deemed urgent or involves episodes of domestic violence this negotiation stage can be overlooked. The applicant must fill out a form and pay the fee to begin the application process, a hearing is usually scheduled several weeks after the application.
How we can help
Your personal caseworker will typically arrange a meeting between both sides for an impartial discussion to determine points of common ground, then examine specific points as required, after this, they will create a report to file with the court which details mutually agreeable terms within the SIO.
The process of obtaining a SIO can be difficult for all involved, the governance of the children can be a serious sticking point as it is not uncommon for each parent to want full custody, we would ask both sides to meet with a third-party independent family advisor to fulfil the courts requirement for Advanced Dispute Resolution. The advisor will work with all parties and decide what is best for the children, including the type of “Order” required and complete all the court forms. Please note the driver in this will be the children themselves, they will be asked privately what solution they would like. It is then hoped that each adult will agree to their wishes. As in every negotiation there needs to be some give and take. Ultimately if there is an impasse then the court will decide.
In regard to the third-party independent family advisor please note we make no commission from these referrals.Lestons can arrange the papers if required. To gain our assistance you need to open a case, this is done by taking advantage of our free consultation service, activated by the link at the top of the page, should you wish to start a case the caseworker will send you the suitable payment link.
Please note your caseworker can only give generic advice, their role is to prepare your details for handling by our appointed solicitor and to act as your point of contact, they will also issue you with your Password and PIN, these will be needed to log onto your client dashboard. From your dashboard you will be able to manage and view every aspect of your case, upload documents, images, files etc.
The sad truth is that children are effectively used as “bargaining chips” in such matters, this is plainly unfair as they are usually innocent of all blame.