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Attending the medical examination

Attending the medical examination

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  • Advice

    Great care will need to be taken here, this is because the claimant should consider whether they are being watched, not just during the assessment but also prior. For instance, many assessment centres are not easily accessed and a member of staff may observe how you approach the centre itself. We would suggest reading through your application form before attending as this will be their guiding document, they will have sought out discrepancies and contradictions.


    When attending the assessment centre itself you should always assume that you are being watched and possibly recorded on CCTV – consider how you would explain the following….

    • Being watched walking say 400 metres to the centre from the car park, then through it to the reception desk – possible over 1Km in total, while on the form you say you cannot walk more than a fraction of this;
    • Waiting in line to register your attendance – you may have said you have pain standing;
    • Filling in the mileage expense form – you may have said you get confused easily or struggle with forms; and
    • If you say you cannot climb stairs and the assessment centre is upstairs, and no lift then how did you get there?

    The consensus that they are looking for an excuse to not give you an award is somewhat correct.


    The truth is that some people who do not deserve the benefit will apply for it, some have claimed to be wheelchair-bound then post Facebook videos of them dancing. Some have been caught on video ( The money comes from the public purse, and as such, there needs to be an element of checking eligibility.

    If you find that the location does not meet your access needs, you can request certain adjustments. For example, if you're unable to go up the stairs, request a centre that has a lift available for use. In addition, you can ask for a description of the centre before your assessment and if the centre is not suitable, request an assessment centre that meets your access needs.


    We strongly suggest that you carefully read through your application before attending as assessors will have used this as the main part of your decision process. If there are any discrepancies and contradictions then these will need to be explained. Furthermore, it is always a good idea to bring your PIP claim so you have an idea of any information they may ask for. Going through the assessment can be emotionally and mentally taxing. It is, therefore worth taking a friend or someone you trust with you to the assessment centre. As long as they are 16 or older, they can sit in during the interview and provide information during the evaluation. 


    How we can help

    Lestons would be delighted to arrange representation to the panel, which normally consists of a medical practitioner and lay members. Our specialist will have precise knowledge of your medical situation and how it meets the required criteria for a successful assessment. You should be aware that their decision will be based on your original form, plus their observations on the day. If we can be of assistance then we would be delighted to receive your instructions. To initiate our involvement simply create a case using the link at the top of this page, you will then need to deposit a sum equal to one hour’s usage, upon receipt of these funds you will be assigned your personal caseworker who will telephone you to discuss the matter and make suggestions on how to proceed.


    Please note your caseworker can only give generic advice, their role is to prepare your details for handling by our PiP advisor and to act as your point of contact, they will also issue you with your Password and PIN, these will be needed to log onto your client dashboard. From your dashboard you will be able to manage and view every aspect of your case, upload documents, images, files etc.

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