Impact of Covid19
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, adjustments have been made to certain processes and applications to ensure the safety of the public and may impact you. These are as follows:
Asylum process
Additional screening interviews are being held if asylum was not claimed at the port of entry into the UK, by Home Office partner organisations in Glasgow, Liverpool, Leeds, Solihull, and Cardiff. If you are in Belfast, contact Migrant Help on 0808 801 0503 to arrange an appointment with Bryson Asylum Services. If you are in all other locations, the Home Office advise that you phone the Asylum Intake Unit on 0300 123 24193 who will advise you on where to attend your screening interview. Before the crisis, it was possible to register an asylum claim without making a screening appointment in advance (in circumstances of vulnerability such as homelessness). This is still possible; however, the Home Office advises that you still phone the Asylum Intake Unit, so you know where to travel to.
Face-to-face substantive interviews had been paused since the beginning of the lockdown but have now begun to take place by video call. If you are to attend the interview in person, it is most likely that you will be placed in a separate room from the interviewer and communicate using a video link. Please note that your substantive interview is likely to be delayed for some time due to the pandemic, but rest assured you will be seen.
To refresh claims, evidence was required to be submitted in person in Liverpool. This is no longer the case and evidence can now be sent by email to
If you are on a visa with a minimum income requirement and have experienced a loss of income due to the pandemic, the Home Office will consider your income during the period immediately before the loss of income – provided the minimum requirement was met for at least 6 months before the loss. If your salary was reduced as a result of being furloughed, your income will be considered as though you were earning the full amount. Vulnerable cases are on hold and decisions can be served by email.
How we can help
To gain our assistance you need to open a case, this is done by taking advantage of our free consultation service, activated by the link at the top of the page, should you wish to start a case the caseworker will send you the suitable payment link. Please note your caseworker can only give generic advice, their role is to prepare your details for handling by our legal team and to act as your point of contact, they will also issue you with your Password and PIN, these will be needed to log onto your client dashboard. From your dashboard you will be able to manage and view every aspect of your case, upload documents, images, files etc.