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Potential discounts

Potential discounts

SKU: 1.42
  • Advice

    The ways your council tax bill might be reduced 

    Depending on your circumstances, you might be eligible for a reduction on your Council Tax bill.


    Council Tax Reduction 

    If you have a low income, you might be eligible for Council Tax Reduction. Each council has such a scheme.


    Disability Reduction Scheme 

    Your council tax bill might be reduced if somebody living in the property has a substantial and permanent disability. To apply for a reduction, you must prove that a disabled person lives in the property and the property have at least one of the following: 

    • An additional kitchen or bathroom to meet the demands of a disabled person; 
    • Insufficient indoor space for the safe use of their wheelchair; or
    • Any other room (except a toilet) that is specifically used to meet their needs. 


    Second Adult Rebate 

    If you live in England, you might claim this Rebate if you live with another adult who: 

    • has a low income;
    • does not have a liability to pay the Council Tax bill; and
    • does not pay rent to you. 



    You might be eligible for a 25% discount on your Council Tax bill if you are the sole adult living in the home or are living with others who are eligible for a discount.


    You should be allowed a reduction on certain grounds, these would include: - 

    • Someone between 0-17 years old age group;
    • Someone who has a Severe Mental Impairment (Lestons can help obtain proof of this if required);
    • Is a full-time student;
    • Is a student nurse;
    • A young person on a government training scheme or apprenticeship;
    • A patient or resident staying in a hospital or care home on a long-term basis;
    • A live-in care worker; or
    • Elderly, physically / mentally disabled, or has had, or dealing with ongoing alcohol/drug problems. 

    Other discounts may be available, please check out the government’s pages online or, if you appoint us then it may be easier to instruct your caseworker who will investigate on your behalf.


    Discretionary reduction 

    The council also has the discretionary power to make reductions to your bill (or previous debt) partly or 

    fully. They can consider this only in exceptional circumstances.


    How we can help

    Lestons can liaise with the council on your behalf to investigate how they could help. Just send us as much information as you can find we will make every effort to investigate the situation with the council officer appointed to your case. We can put your case to the council from an impartial stance and seek to gain you deductions, as previously mentioned some are discretionary so a professional, impartial view may prove beneficial. If a member of the household has a mental impairment, we can help with a confirmation from a medical expert who can assess the individual and either confirm (with the required proof) that they comply with the requirements for a “Severe Mental Impairment” or reject the concern.


    To gain our assistance you need to open a case, this is done by simply clicking on the link at the top of the page, you will then need to deposit a sum equal to one hour’s usage, upon receipt of these funds you will be assigned your personal caseworker who will telephone you to discuss the matter and make suggestions on how to proceed. Please note your caseworker can only give generic advice, their role is to prepare your details for handling by our legal team and to act as your point of contact, they will also issue you with your Password and PIN, these will be needed to log onto your client dashboard. From your dashboard you will be able to manage and view every aspect of your case, upload documents, images, files etc.

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