Recognising the signs of abuse
The most important obligation that is imposed upon the care home is to “safeguard service users from abuse and improper treatment”.
As long as the person is a resident of the care home then the safeguards should include:
- Discrimination of any kind;
- Not necessary or proportionate restraint;
- Neglect;
- Limitation of the liberty;
- Cruel/inhuman treatment;
- Theft of money or property; and
- Any violation of sexual freedom.
But let’s be more precise and look at some examples because some of the above may seem generic:
- If any member of staff offends a resident because of their protected characteristic;
- If a resident does not enjoy the same care as the rest of the residents;
- If the staff are violent or verbally abusive towards a resident;
- If they leave a resident dirty;
- If they make a resident sad with their words or their actions;
- If they make a resident feel that a resident their presence is a “burden” to them;
- If they disconnect a residents emergency pull cord;
- If they leave a resident unfed or without a drink; and
- If they give a resident the wrong medication (or failed to give a resident their prescribed medication).
If a resident feels they are being subject to any of the above they should ask for help. Some care homes provide excellent care, ones that are run as trusts, such as the St Johns Care Trust are a national organisation that are not designed to operate at a profit, as such there is no temptation to cut corners. Some privately-run homes may put profit before people. If a resident is a victim of any of the previously described or if a family member suspects that a resident or loved one faces something similar to the content of the article, then report the matter, preferably in writing (always keep a copy). To contact the Care Quality Commission simply call them on 03000 616161 or visit their website to submit your concern or complaint filling in the online form.
How we can help
Lestons can intervene and ensure that your loved one is being treated fairly, we would send an inspector to the home unannounced who would have written authority to effectively do a spot-check on the resident. They would also need to see their medical records and check the staff have passed suitable training, this can cause an issue as their information is covered under GDPR rules, as such we would invite you to attend the home with us and assist us in gaining the resident's consent. Please note that if they have capacity under the Mental Health Act, they could refuse to talk to us, or allow us to check them over physically.
Our inspectors are from the care home or medical industry and are based mainly in Lincolnshire, however we are seeking to expand our network across the UK, we accept only the best recruits in this field. Because of this is you need to be aware that there will be disbursements (travel and sustenance costs) added onto the total time taken for the visit. Your caseworker will be able to update you on this and give an estimate for such visits. We would NOT inform the care home of this surprise visit for obvious reasons
To gain our assistance you need to open a case, this is done by taking advantage of our free consultation service, activated by the link at the top of the page, should you wish to start a case the caseworker will send you the suitable payment link.
Please note your caseworker can only give generic advice, their role is to prepare your details for handling by our appointed legal team and to act as your point of contact, they will also issue you with your Password and PIN, these will be needed to log onto your client dashboard. From your dashboard you will be able to manage and view every aspect of your case, upload documents, images, files etc.