Road traffic accidents
For claims commenced before 31st December 2020
During this period the UK was a part of the Visiting Victims Scheme through the Motor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) (Information Centre and Compensation Body) Regulations 2003. Under this, victims of road traffic accidents in European Economic Area (EEA) countries were able to make a compensation claim in their home country, either via a local representative of the foreign insurer or the designated body for compensation. In the UK, this is the Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB) which used to deal with unaccounted for or untraceable claims and those involving uninsured drivers.
For claims commenced after the 31st December 2020
- EU exit amendments to the Motor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) (Information Centre and Compensation Body) Regulations 2003 remove the Motor Insurance Bureau ‘s (MIB) obligations as the UK’s compensation body for unaccounted for claims and those involving uninsured drivers. The visiting victim scheme no longer applies. However, the MIB will still consider claims if proceedings were brought before the 31st December 2020.
- UK based victims must now take their claims directly to the foreign insurer. Or, in the case of an uninsured driver must take their claim to the equivalent foreign compensation body. As a result, claims must be filed in the country where the accident occurred. Any compensation will be assessed under the law of that country.
- The MIB has signed reciprocal agreements in some EEA countries, under which both sides commit to continuing compensation for victims of accidents involving uninsured drivers in their own country.
- Nevertheless, the MIB is acting as an information centre that provides the appropriate guidance and contact details of foreign compensation bodies in accidents involving uninsured or hit-and-run drivers. Also, If the accident was caused by an insured driver, the MIB will be able to provide you with the contact details of the UK representative of their insurer.
How we can help
Your caseworker would check with your travel insurance company regarding liability for such claims, there may be a chance to claim via the other party’s insurance. This would depend on many factors so a catch-all scenario would be inappropriate to suggest. Your caseworker would need to file the claim in the country of the incident (unless you are covered under insurance, in which case we would claim from them, and leave them to try and reclaim the money from abroad). To gain our assistance you need to open a case, this is done by taking advantage of our free consultation service, activated by the link at the top of the page, should you wish to start a case the caseworker will send you the suitable payment link.
Please note your caseworker can only give generic advice, their role is to prepare your details for handling by our legal team and to act as your point of contact, they will also issue you with your Password and PIN, these will be needed to log onto your client dashboard. From your dashboard you will be able to manage and view every aspect of your case, upload documents, images, files etc.