Student accomodation
Whilst in the first year of university study it is likely a student will live in halls of residence offered and sorted out by the university. After completing the first year and progressing on to subsequent years, likely, these halls of residence will not be available to non-first year students and therefore students must consider private accommodation and rent.
Tenancy deposit protection scheme
Deposits must be protected. After receiving a deposit, a landlord is given 30 days to deposit it into a tenancy deposit scheme.
Letting agent fees and signing the contract
Landlords usually rent properties through letting agents and some have been known to charge unreasonable prices for their services, as such any potential tenants should always check their charges. Registration charges are prohibited, and so are charges placed on viewing a list of properties available to rent, so letting agents cannot charge for these things. Otherwise, they're free to charge any fees they like – for example, for credit checks, admin, and even releasing your deposit. Always ask before you commit.
Once you get the contract, read it carefully before signing and make yourself fully aware of your liabilities. (e.g., council tax, utility bills, and other dos and don'ts, whether you're allowed pets to smoke or sublet). Discuss any concerns with the landlord or letting agent. If they agree to change it, don't just take their word. Ensure the contract's changed too, so you've got proof in writing.
Tenants’ rights
The type of tenancy agreement a tenant has will affect their rights; it is essential to check. Assured shorthold tenancy agreements are the most common type when renting with a private landlord. An assured tenant has the right to stay in their accommodation unless their landlord can convince the court in litigation that there are reasonable grounds for eviction.
Ensure that you note every potential cost including utilities such as internet, water, gas etc, you may have to read the appropriate meters and arrange new providers. If living with other people it is worth opening a bank account for bills to come out of, that way all residents can put in their fair share.
Paying your rent on time can boost your credit score
Tenants renting privately can partake in the free Rental Exchange scheme, this records any rental payments and forwards the results to the credit reference agency, Experian. As a result of this, the tenant's credit score can be boosted which serves as a positive advantage in the future, if and when they apply for things like credit cards, loans, and mortgages.
How we can help
Your caseworker can check through your tenancy agreement and list of charges from the letting agent and advise accordingly, in effect we make sure the agreement is fair and if there are any particular aspects you should be aware of. We would also seek to import clauses that allowed you more freedom, just in case your situation changes. For instance, notice periods should the course not work out, or you take on employment somewhere else and do not need the property etc.
To gain our assistance you need to open a case, this is done by taking advantage of our free consultation service, activated by the link at the top of the page, should you wish to start a case the caseworker will send you the suitable payment link. Please note your caseworker can only give generic advice, their role is to prepare your details for handling by our legal team and to act as your point of contact, they will also issue you with your Password and PIN, these will be needed to log onto your client dashboard. From your dashboard you will be able to manage and view every aspect of your case, upload documents, images, files etc.